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To start building your quest, you can use the quest template. Just click Use this template.

Quest Structure

Every uploaded quest must have the following components:

  • A file called quest.yml that configures the metadata of the quest
  • An assets folder with cover image → Assets
  • A steps folder with a yaml file for each step → Steps

In addition, a tests folder can be added with test files to be used by the steps. → Tests
├── quest.yml
├── assets
│   ├── cover.jpeg
├── steps
│   ├── <step_id_1>.yml
│   ├── <step_id_2>.yml
│   ├── ...
│   └── <step_id_n>.yml
└── tests
    ├── <test_file_name_1>
    ├── <test_file_name_2>
    ├── ...
    └── <test_file_name_n>


This is a mandatory file that must be placed at the root of the zip archive’s structure. This file defines the metadata of the quest:

id*: a unique quest identifier. Should not change. 3-50 characters, must begin with a letter. Accepted characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and "_" | mandatory
title*: Quest title. 2-40 characters. All characters are accepted. "Funnel Drop" in the example below | mandatory
subtitle*: Quest subtitle. 2-68 characters. All characters are accepted. "Find the cause of user traffic drop in production and fix it" in the example below | mandatory
description*: Quest description. All characters are accepted. "What's worse.." in the example below | mandatory 
summary*: Quest summary. Shown when users finish the quest | mandatory 
level*: Quest level. beginner/intermediate/advanced | mandatory
duration*: Estimated number of hours required to finish the quest | mandatory
repository: The user's repo will be initialized to this repository when a quest starts. e.g. | optional
resources: A list of resources that should be available to the user when the quest begins | optional 
- resource_1
- resource_2
- ...
- resource_n
steps*: List of all quest step ids | mandatory
- step_id_1
- step_id_2
- ...
- step_id_n
skills*: List of skills the user will work on when playing the quest | mandatory
- skill_1
- skill_2
- ...
- skill_n
questDependency: Quest that must be completed before playing this quest | optional
frameworks: Frameworks this quest will be available in | optional
  - python
  - node
  - react
sidebarTools: A list of links to a tool that will be displayed on Snack(our chat) sidebar | optional
  - name: tool 1 
  - name: tool 2

Start Repository

Supported Skills

Quest Resources

Sidebar tools

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