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This page explains how actions work and all supported actions are documented. This document assumes the reader is familiar with how Triggers and Payloads work.

Actions - General

Actions are part of do statements and can be used to change the state of the user, provide them with information or offer guidance. Some actions also add information to the payload outputs to be used by other conditions or actions. A common example for this is communicating success and error .

If name is set for the action, outputs.<action_name>.success will always be set and will default to true unless the action changed it.

Actions support the following params:

Name Type Mandatory Default Description
actionId String YES - String representing the action. See section below for supported actionIds.
name String NO null Name is mandatory in order to use action outputs. If name is specified and action enriches payload outputs, it can be accessed using ${outputs.<action_name>.<param_name>} .
params Map NO null Each action specifies which parameters it requires. Some parameters are passed transparently from the trigger payload and some must be configured.
paramsFramework Map NO null Used in cases the framework selected by the user affects the parameters passed to the action. It is a map from the framework name to the parameters.


- actionId: bot_message
    person: lucca
    - text: "Great! Next, it might be a good idea to go ahead and **clone that repository**, before doing any other tasks. *Clone it*, don't fork it!"
      delay: 3000
    - text: "\"It might be\" as in - you should definitely do it **before doing any of your next tasks**."
      delay: 2000
    - text: "When you're done, *talk to ${bots['keen'].displayName}*, she’ll take it from here."
      delay: 2500
- actionId: finish_step

In this simple example two actions are performed. The first sends messages from a bot to the user and the second progresses the user to the next step.

Another example:

- actionId: newrelic_configure_with_key
  name: newrelic_configure_with_key
    newRelicKey: "${userMessageText}" #userMessageText is text sent to a bot by the user 

In this example, the action newrelic_configure_with_key might fail with several error types. A name is set in order to fetch the error type:

  key: "${outputs.newrelic_configure_with_key.error}"

Supported Actions

Name Category Description
bot_message Chat Send message from user to a bot
github_create_repo GitHub Create new repo for the user.
github_invite_user GitHub Invite user to collaborate on a Github repo.
github_pr_comment GitHub Add comment on a PR on behalf of one the bots
github_pr_approve GitHub Approve the PR and add a comment on behalf of a bot
github_pr_reject GitHub Reject the PR and add a comment on behalf of a bot
github_open_pr GitHub Open a new GitHub PR
github_merge_pr GitHub Merge an open PR
github_open_issue GitHub Opens an issue in the user’s Github repository
github_commit_file GitHub Commit a file to the user’s repository
github_add_secret GitHub Adds a secret to the user’s repository
github_create_branch GitHub Create new branch on the user’s repository
newrelic_configure_with_key New Relic Configure user New Relic properties using given license key
network_http_request Network Perform an http request
network_http_load Network Generate HTTP traffic on a specified URL
network_find_selector Network Evaluate innerText of an element matching a specified selector in a page.
finish_step Quest Advance the user to the next step or finish the quest if this is the last step.
quest_notification Quest Notify a user about an event that happened while in a quest.
ready_response_message Chat Send the “ready”/”not yet” buttons to the user for a readiness signal.
store_user_property User Save a string on the user so you’ll be able to use it later
run_command Codespace Run a command on the user’s codespace.

We look forward to adding new actions in the future. Please reach out to us at with any questions.