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Uploading and Testing Your Quest

Uploading Quests

  1. Create a zip file with the quest materials. You can use one of the following methods:

    A. Create a new release in your GitHub repository and download the zip asset generated for the release (see managing releases in a repository).

    B. Manually zip the files located on your local machine.

    C. Auto-Upload Quest Drafts using Github Workflow.

    D. Zip and upload using a command line tool

    Make sure you have Quests Builder permissions in Wilco.

  2. If you don’t use auto-upload or the command line tool, please upload the zip file manually. Open the Quest Builder page, tap on the upload new quest button and select the zip file. If you’re uploading a new version for an existing quest, find the quest in the list and click the upload version button.
  3. Once the quest has finished uploading, click the test quest in Snack button and test the full quest flow.

Testing Quests

Quest Builder enables you to run your quest in a Snack Testing environment that simulates the quest exactly as users would see it in Production.

Ensure your Anythink environment is set up by completing the Tutorial and Setup quests before you test your quest.

You should also familiarize yourself with the Anythink repo. Once you accept Navi’s invitation to join the Anythink repo, you’ll be able to access it directly from the left-hand panel in Snack.

It is important to go through each step of your quest thoroughly to make sure that everything works as expected.

Once you have verified that your quest works well, you can use Manual mode to speed up testing interations.

To use Manual mode, simply type manual in the chat, and you’ll see a list of commands you can use.

Supported Commands:

  • listSteps - list ids of steps in the quest, including marking the current step.
  • nextStep - jump to next step or finish the quest if this is the last step.
  • prevStep - jump to previous step or restart quest if this is the first step.
  • printStepInfo - print YAML representation of the current step.
  • printQuestInfo - print YAML representation of the quest
  • resetStep - restart current step
  • resetQuest - restart quest